Are you one of the 30 who will be admitted to the Nordic Nutrition Academy?
THE NORDIC NUTRITION ACADEMY (NNA) is the education program for those of you who are doctors, nurses or dietitians and who are interested in disease-related malnutrition and research. The goal is to increase skills in nutrition issues within health care and research, create networks between experienced and less experienced clinicians/researchers, and integrate clinical work with research.
NNA is an education program that has been developed in cooperation with several universities in the Nordic region representatives from National societies in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism in the Nordic countries (DSKE, NSKE, FISPEN and SWESPEN) together with Baxter and Nestlé Health Science.
The goal of NNA is to develop clinical nutrition and stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration, networking and integration between clinical practice and research.
NNA will have 5 meetings the following dates:
2024: 24-25/4 + 20-21/11.
2025: 23-24/4 + 19-20/11.
2026: 27-28/5.
The locations for the 2-day meetings will vary between the Nordic countries.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding. By using current knowledge about the effects of disease related malnutrition and nutritional treatment, apply clinical reasoning in nutritional diagnosis and treatment, and provide proposals for evidence-based treatment planning, implementation and follow up.
Competence and Skills. Present and discuss the choice of investigation, nutrition-related diagnoses, nutrition and supportive measures and the follow up and evaluation in the nutritional treatment of disease related nutritional issues. Distinguish between and prioritise complex information in scientific studies. Plan, execute and present a project in an interdisciplinary group of professionals.
Judgement and approach. Distinguish between appropriate methods for assessment, investigation and nutrition treatment for disease related nutrition problems. Be able to crete and cooperate with other professionals in nutritional tretment team.
NNA consists of five 2-day meetings. Parallel to these meetings the participants carry out a scientific project. The programme includes education in basic clinical nutrition, basic scientific methodology and scientific specialisation in projects within the field of clinical nutrition. The teaching of clinical nutrition is based partly on ESPEN’s book Basics in Clinical Nutrition and partly on lectures, seminars and case discussions. The overall theme of the course is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary diagnosis and treatment. The education programme holds a maximum of 30 participants. You should expect to dedicate time to work on the project in the groups in between the physical meetings. The course is estimated to 10.4 ECTS in total for the entire course including the work in between course.
Are you interested in becoming one of the 30 participants? Discuss with your director and/or supervisor and apply latest February 29, 2024.
More detailed information is found in the brochure
The registration form and can be found at this link
Any questions can be answered by:
Practical questions on the NNA course: susanne.wolff@dk.nestle.com
Program related questions: Professor Olav Rooijackers: olav.rooyackers@ki.se
Professor Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen: hhr@rn.dk